Bel Amica, Bel Amica name, meaning of Bel Amica
Information about the name Bel Amica
- Etymology of the name Bel Amica.
- History of the name Bel Amica.
- Pronunciation of the name Bel Amica.
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Origin and meaning of the name Bel Amica
Bel Amica is an Italian Sailboat name.
It was a schooner that appeared in strange circumstances in the coast of Sardinia during 2006. The ship had no crew and had never been registered in any country. The press classified it as “ghost ship”.
Finally, it was a boat owned by a French citizen who not registered his boat to avoid taxes.
“Bel Amica” is an erroneous variant of the Italian expression “Bell’Amica”, which means “beautiful friend”.