Vidofnir, Vidofnir name, meaning of Vidofnir
Information about the name Vidofnir
- Etymology of the name Vidofnir.
- History of the name Vidofnir.
- Pronunciation of the name Vidofnir.
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Origin and meaning of the name Vidofnir
Vidofnir is a Norse Viking boat name.
Boat that appears in the popular television series Vikings.
According to ancient Norse legends, Vidofnir is a rooster that lives at the top of the world tree, Yggdrasil.
He is sometimes depicted as a falcon, situated between the eyes of the cosmic eagle Hræsvelgr.
According to the poem Fjölsvinnsmál, Vidofnir or Vidofnir is the guardian of the entrance to the kingdom of the dead, Hel.
His name means “he who ruffles feathers” or “he who shines in battle.”
Categorized into: animal names