10 male carlinos pug dogs names

The Pug Dogs, are adorable furry dogs that have won the hearts of millions of people for their affectionate, playful nature and their peculiar appearance. If you are thinking of adopting one of these charming dogs, choosing the perfect name is an important decision that should be made with love and attention.

How to call a Pug dog?

When choosing a name for your Pug, take into account its personality, physical appearance and your own preferences. A short, easy-to-remember name will be more practical for training, while a name with a special meaning can create a deeper bond with your pet.

What does Pug Carlino mean?

Pug comes from the Latin “pugnus”, which means “fist”, in reference to the wrinkled shape of its snout. It is a dog breed originally from China. They are believed to be descended from ancient Peking dogs and were brought to Europe by Dutch traders in the 16th century.

In Spain and other countries, these dogs are also given the Italian name “carlino“, which means “little Charles”, possibly in honor of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, who was a great fan of this breed.

10 Names for your Male Pug Carlino

  1. Alf: A classic and fun name, ideal for a Pug Pug with a playful personality.
  2. Ben: A short and sweet name that conveys kindness and loyalty.
  3. Bolt: Perfect for an active and energetic Pug Pug.
  4. Buddy: A friendly and affectionate name that reflects the personality of these dogs.
  5. Cooper: An elegant and sophisticated name that combines well with the adorable appearance of the Pug Carlino.
  6. Elvis: An original and iconic name for a Pug Pug with a touch of star.
  7. Gru: A fun and cute name, inspired by the Despicable Me character.
  8. Leo: A strong and majestic name for a Pug Carlino with the bearing of a king.
  9. Oliver: A classic and charming name that never goes out of style.
  10. Terry: A friendly and playful name for a Pug Pug with a happy spirit.


Choosing the perfect name for your Pug is a personal decision that should be based on love and respect for your pet. Each of these 10 names has its own charm and meaning, and any of them would be a great choice for your new furry friend. Remember that the most important thing is that you like the name and that it reflects the unique personality of your Pug.