70 Native American men names

Choosing a name for your child is an important decision, one that will reflect their identity throughout their life. If you are looking for a name with meaning, strength, and connection to nature, then Native American names are a great option.

The indigenous peoples of the Americas have rich and diverse languages, with names that evoke powerful animals, natural elements and admirable characteristics. Here we present a selection of male names from different Native American languages:

Quechua (Ecuador and Peru):

Guaraní (Paraguay):

Náhuatl (Mexico):

Aymara (Peru, Chile and Bolivia):

Mapudungun or Mapuche (Chile):

Ñe’engatú or modern tupí (Brazil and Paraguay):

This is just a sample!

There are many other Native American names with deep and beautiful meanings. To find the perfect name for your child, we recommend doing more research on the different indigenous languages ​​and cultures of America. Also, don’t forget to watch the video that we recommend at the end of the article.

Choose a name that connects with your heritage or simply inspires you! The most important thing is that you feel that the name reflects the strength and beauty you want for your child.