Alitzel, Alitzel name, meaning of Alitzel
Information about the name Alitzel
- Etymology of the name Alitzel.
- History of the name Alitzel.
- Pronunciation of the name Alitzel.
- Alitzel Díaz, Mexican actress.
- Alitzel Cervantes, Mexican model and beauty queen.
- Alitzel Perdomo, Venezuelan singer and composer.
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Origin and meaning of the name Alitzel
Alitzel is a Native american girl name. Meaning “smiling girl” in Mayan language.
Its original form is Itzel Alit.
Personality of Alitzel
Girls with the name Alitzel tend to be friendly, cheerful and sociable. They like to be surrounded by friends and family, and always have a smile on their lips. They are optimistic, creative and generous. They are also intelligent, curious and love to learn new things.
Variants of Alitzel
The name Alitzel has several possible variants, such as Alitza, Alitze or Alitzi.
Names related to Alitzel
Names related to Alitzel are Itzel, Itzayana, Litza or Nicte Ha.
Famous people named Alitzel
Saint Alitzel’s name
Alitzel’s name is celebrated on 18 October, which is the feast day of Saint Itzel, a Christian martyr of Mayan origin.