Biblical names ending in “IAH”

In a previous article on this blog, we explored the meaning of the ending “el” in biblical names, revealing their deep connection with divinity. Today, we embark on a new journey to discover the meaning and essence of another biblical ending: iah.

An echo of divinity: the presence of Yahweh

When analyzing the names of the Old Testament, we find a notable presence of names that end in “iah“. This termination is not a simple coincidence; On the contrary, it has a deep religious meaning.

The final particle “iah” is a shortened form of the Hebrew name “Yahweh,” the way the ancient Israelites referred to God. By including this ending in their names, people expressed their devotion, faith and recognition of God as the supreme being.

Names that resonate with divinity:

Below is a selection of biblical names that end in “iah“, along with their meaning and connection to divinity:

I Love Tobiah

Beyond a name: a symbol of faith

Biblical names that end in “iah” are not just words; They are powerful symbols of faith and devotion. By bearing these names, people identified themselves as followers of God and recognized his power and goodness.

In an ancient world full of uncertainty and danger, these names served as a constant reminder of God’s presence and love. They were a beacon of hope and faith in a world that often seemed dark and scary.

Other biblical names

Do you need more inspiration? Don’t miss this list of biblical names for boys!