Results for Valle


Sonsoles is a Spanish girl name.

Reference to the Virgin of the Valley or Our Lady of the Valley, a Marian devotion highly venerated in various places in Spain and Argentina.


Spanish virgin names for girls

In this blog we have already seen how the Bible is a recurring source when looking for baby names, but apart from this sacred book, there are other religious customs and rites that also serve as inspiration when choosing a baby’s name. One of the most common is the use of names of virgins and Marian apparitions as girls’ names. (more…)


Tránsito is a Spanish girl name.

Reference to the Virgen del Tránsito or Nuestra Señora del Tránsito, a very venerated Marian devotion in Zamora (Spain). (more…)


Valvanera is a Spanish girl name.

It comes from the Monastery and the Virgin of Valvanera, located in the town of Anguiano (La Rioja, Spain).

There are several theories about its meaning:

  1. It derives from the Latin expression “vallis venaria” which can be translated as “valley of the veins of water”.
  2. Some scholars believe it may mean “hunting valley”.
  3. Others suggest that its irtepretation is “valley of Venus”.

Short form: Valva


The name Yorley, although uncommon, is unisex and attracts attention due to its sound, especially in Latin America, where it is best known. In this article, we will explore its possible origin and meaning.
