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Renaissance is a French sailboat name. (more…)

Sailboat names

Sailboats are boats that move thanks to the force of the wind on their sails. Choosing a good name for a sailboat is an important decision, as it reflects the owner’s personality, style, and preferences. Additionally, a suitable name can attract the attention, admiration and envy of other boaters. (more…)


The name Sarbelio or Sarvelio, with an unusual and exotic sound, has awakened your curiosity. Where does it come from? What meaning does it contain? Join me on this journey to discover the origins, meaning and some curious facts about this fascinating name.


Vasco da Gama

Vasco da Gama is a Portuguese sailboat name.

He was a portuguese navigator and explorer who made the first direct oceanic voyage from Europe to India.

He is also known as Vasco de Gama in Spanish.