Patro, Patro name, meaning of Patro
Information about the name Patro
- Etymology of the name Patro.
- History of the name Patro.
- Pronunciation of the name Patro.
- Patrocinio: derives from the Latin patrocinium, meaning “protection, shelter or defence”.
- Short form: Patro has become an affectionate and familiar way of calling people who are called Patrocinio.
- Saint Patrocinio: Spanish virgin and martyr from the 4th century. Her feast day is celebrated on 15 May.
- Uncommon name: Patrocinio is not a very common name nowadays, which makes it even more special.
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Origin and meaning of the name Patro
Patro is a Spanish girl name. Meaning “protector”.
Short form of Patrocinio.
Origin and etymology: