Sito, Sito name, meaning of Sito
Information about the name Sito
- Etymology of the name Sito.
- History of the name Sito.
- Pronunciation of the name Sito.
- Latin origin: It is derived from the Latin name Situs, which means “situated, situated, located, positioned.”
- Basque origin: It is considered a variant of the name Sisto, which in turn derives from the Latin name Sextus, which means “sixth.”
- Sisto
- Sixtus
- Sistito
- Sistu
- Xistu
- Sito Alonso, Spanish basketball coach
- Sito Miñanco, Galician drug trafficker.
- Sito Pons, Spanish motorcyclist.
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Origin and meaning of the name Sito
Sito is a Spanish boy name with two possible origins and meanings:
Variants of the name Sito
Popularity of the name Site
The name Sito is not a very popular name in Spain. According to the INE (Spanish National Statistics Institute), in 2023 there were only 1,928 people with this name in Spain.
Famous people named Sito
Curiosities about the name Sito
In the Basque Country (Spain), the name Sito is also used as a nickname for the name Jesus.
The name Sito is also used as a diminutive of male names that end in -sito, such as Alfonsito, Luisito, etc.