Boat names


Dunst is a German steam boat name. Meaning “steam”.

Dying Gull

Dying Gull is an English pirate ship name.

Boat of the captain Jack Sparrow in the film “Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar’s Revenge”.


Echo is an English sailboat name. Meaning “a sound caused by the reflection of waves from a surface”.

In Greek mythology she was a nymph.

Categorized into: Mythologic names.


Eclipse is a Latin yacht name.

From the Latin word “eclipsis” and this comes from the Greek term “ékleipsis” (disappearance).

Natural phenomenon by which a star is hidden by the interposition of a celestial body.

It is a ship owned by the Russian millionaire Roman Abramovich.


Ekaitza is a basque rowboat name. Meaning “storm”.


Elai is a basque rowboat name. Meaning “swallow”.

Categorized into: animal names


Empress is an english cruise ship name.

Name of a ship owned by the company Pullmantur.


Enchantment of the Seas is an English cruise ship name. Meaning “delight”.

Name of a ship owned by the company Royal Caribbean International.


Endeavour is an English sailboat name.

Name of the vessel captained by the British navigator, explorer and cartographer James Cook on his travels in the Pacific.


Endless is an English yacht name.