Boat names

Sangre Azul

Sangre Azul is a Spanish yacht name. Meaning “blue blood“.

Santa María

Santa María is a Spanish sailboat name.

One of the ships that Christopher Columbus used to reach America in 1492.


Sapphire is an english sailboat name. Meaning “sapphire”.

Categorized into: Gemstones names


Sapphirus is a Latin sailboat name. Meaning “sapphire“.

Categorized into: Gemstones names.


Sarsia is an English vessel name.

It is named after a genus of hydrozoans in the family Corynidae.

Former oceanographic vessel used by the UK Marine Biological Association.



Sauvage is a French warship name. Meaning “wild”.


Savarona is an Turkish yacht name.

It is the name of an African swan.

It is a Turkish presidential yacht that was built in 1931 by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, founder of the Republic of Turkey.

Categorized into: animal names


Savoir is a French sailboat name. Meaning “to know”.


Sawyer is an English steam boat name.

Name inspired by Mark Twain’s novel “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”.

The history of this book occurs on the Mississippi River, at the time of the boom of steamboats.


Schubert is a German sailboat name.

Name inspired by the famous Austrian composer Franz Schubert.