Pizza shop names

Bella Napoli

Bella Napoli is an Italian business name for a pizza shop. Meaning “Beautiful Naples”.

Nápoles is considered the birthplace of pizza.


Capricciosa is an Italian business name for a pizza shop.

One of the most popular pizzas in Italy, which has tomato, mozzarella, ham, mushrooms, artichokes and olives.


Coliseum is a Latin business name for a pizza shop.

Famous amphitheater in Rome.


Deus is an Italian business name for a pizza shop. Meaning “God”.

Don Vito

Don Vito is an Italian business name for a pizza shop.

Name inspired by Vito Corleone, a fictional character and one of the protagonists of the novel “The Godfather.”


Forno is an Italian business name for a pizza shop. Meaning “oven”.


Gladiatore is a Latin business name for a pizza shop. Meaning “gladiator”.


La Piazzetta is an Italian business name for a pizza shop. Meaning “The little square”.


Choosing the perfect name for your pizzeria is essential to attracting customers and creating a memorable identity. “Piccola”, meaning “small” in Italian, is a charming and welcoming name that evokes images of lovingly baked artisanal pizzas and a warm, family atmosphere.


Pizza e Basta

Pizza e Basta is an Italian business name for a pizza shop. Meaning “Pizza and that’s it”.