Charybdis, Charybdis name, meaning of Charybdis
Information about the name Charybdis
- Etymology of the name Charybdis.
- History of the name Charybdis.
- Pronunciation of the name Charybdis.
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Origin and meaning of the name Charybdis
Charybdis is a Greek sailboat name. Meaning “suction”.
It derives from the Greek word “Járibdis” of equal meaning.
According to Greek Mythology Charybdis was a sea monster. Previously, she was one of the daughters of Poseidon and Gea.
For three times a day, this creature swallowed enormous amounts of water and vomited them, thus creating a huge swirl that engulfed everything within reach.
Charybdis crossed the Strait of Messina (separation between Italy and Sicily) with Scylla, another sea monster. This situation forced the boats to approach and face one or another being to pass.
Categorized into: Mythologic names.