Chimera, Chimera name, meaning of Chimera
Information about the name Chimera
- Etymology of the name Chimera.
- History of the name Chimera.
- Pronunciation of the name Chimera.
- In Greek mythology it was a monster that vomited flames and had the head of a lion, the body of a goat and the tail of a dragon. This was a hybrid creature that was born from the union of Typhon and Echidna, or according to other versions, from Orthro and Echidna.
- In Spain it is usually used as a synonym for having a dream or an unattainable illusion. It is often used in the expression “chasing a chimera.”
- Marine fish with an elongated and laterally compressed body, with irregular scales and dark spots.
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Origin and meaning of the name Chimera
Chimera is a Greek sailboat name.
This word has several meanings. We present the two most common and one related to a marine animal.
Categorized into: animal names and Mythologic names