Coto, Coto name, meaning of Coto
Information about the name Coto
- Etymology of the name Coto.
- History of the name Coto.
- Pronunciation of the name Coto.
- It comes from the Latin “coto“, which means “cut”, “delimited” or “bounded”. This meaning refers to a piece of land or area that has been demarcated and separated from the rest.
- It can also be derived from the Latin “cubĭtus“, which means “elbow“. In this case, Coto was used as a measure of length equivalent to half a span.
- Coto is a boy’s name of Greek origin that means “strong.”
- Name of a giant in Greek mythology with one hundred arms and fifty heads.
- Name classified in mythological names
- Coto Matamoros: Spanish journalist and television presenter.
- The name Coto is relatively common in Spain, especially in the Galicia region.
- Coto is sometimes used as an affectionate form of José Antonio.
- It is also used as a surname, being one of the most frequent in Spain.
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Origin and meaning of the name Coto
The name Coto has two possible origins:
Latin origin:
Greek origin:
Famous people with the name Coto:
If you are looking for a name with a deep meaning that conveys seriousness, responsibility and trust, Coto is an excellent option.