Results for Eder

Odón de Buen

Odón de Buen is a Spanish vessel name.

Oceanographic vessel built in 1973. Originally called “El Pescador” (the fisherman) and owned by the Federation of Fishermen’s Guilds of the Balearic Islands.

Later, in 1979 it was acquired by the Spanish Institute of Oceanography and renamed Odón de Buen, the name of its founder.

Odón de Buen y del Cos was a Spanish naturalist who stood out as the founder of Spanish oceanography.


Tamaroa is a Native american warship name.

Name of an Indian tribe of the Illinois confederation.

American Coast Guard ship that was submerged in 2017 off the coast of New Jersey and Delaware to form an artificial reef focused on preserving the marine fauna of the area.

During World War II participated under the name of Zuni in diverse military operations in the Pacific, inspiring the known book and later film “The perfect storm”.


Ulmer is a German boy name. Meaning “from Ulm”.

Ulm is a city in the federal German state of Baden-Württemberg.

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