Results for Jack

Jolly Roger

Jolly Roger is an English pirate ship name.

Name used to refer to the most universal pirate flag, represented by a white skull and crossbones on a black background.

It is believed that this name could have derived from the French term “Jolie Rouge” (pretty red), used to refer to the first pirate flags, which were usually blood-colored, and that this expression passed into English under the adaptation “jolly roger”.

In addition, Jolly Roger was also the name adopted by the English pirate John Rackham, better known as Calico Jack, to name his plundering ship.


Keme is a Native american boy name. Meaning “secret” in Pajackok language and “thunder” in Algonquin language.

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Vajoliroja is an unknown origin yacht name.

Name of a luxury vessel owned by actor Johnny Depp.

It comes from taking the first syllable of the following names: Vanessa Paradis (his ex-wife), Johnny Depp and their children: Lily, Rose and Jack.