Results for Lora


Loralei is an English girl name. Meaning “luring roc”.

Variant of Lorelei.


Lorategi is a Basque business name for a flower shop. Meaning “garden“.

From the term “lorea” (flower) and the suffix “-tegi” (place).


Lorita is an Italian girl name.

Variant of Loreto and diminutive of Lora.

Names for small sailboats

Are you looking for a great name for your small sailboat? In this article we present a complete selection of good names for your sailboat, from the most classic to the most original. Discover how you can bring your sailboat to life with a name that reflects your personality, style or hobby. (more…)


In the wonderful world of literature, there are names that spark the imagination and transport readers of all ages to incredible places. One of them is “Neverland”, the magical island created by J.M. Barrie in his work “Peter Pan”. (more…)

What is the meaning of the name Rita?

Today, our exploration takes us into the captivating world of names, and our spotlight is on the delightful Rita. Unraveling its layers reveals a connection to the Greek-rooted “margarites,” meaning “pearl,” and its Spanish incarnation as the charming daisy. Join me as we delve into the intricate tapestry of variations and diminutives that make this name truly blossom. (more…)