Results for Earl


Rose is an english girl name. Meaning “fame”.

Derived from the Germanic elements “hrod” (fame) and “heid” (kind).

Early time this name was associated with the flower rose.

Categorized into: flower names

Spanish virgin names for girls

In this blog we have already seen how the Bible is a recurring source when looking for baby names, but apart from this sacred book, there are other religious customs and rites that also serve as inspiration when choosing a baby’s name. One of the most common is the use of names of virgins and Marian apparitions as girls’ names. (more…)

Studio Nails

In the competitive world of beauty, choosing a name for your business is a crucial decision. An attractive name, easy to remember and that conveys the essence of your services can be the key to attracting customers and differentiating yourself from the competition. If you are looking for an elegant, sophisticated name that evokes the image of a professional space dedicated to nail care, Studio Nails could be the perfect choice. (more…)


Vendel is a Norse Viking boat name.

7th century ship Halaldo in Sweden.

It was used in burials and represents an early example of Viking shipbuilding.

What is the meaning of the name Rita?

Today, our exploration takes us into the captivating world of names, and our spotlight is on the delightful Rita. Unraveling its layers reveals a connection to the Greek-rooted “margarites,” meaning “pearl,” and its Spanish incarnation as the charming daisy. Join me as we delve into the intricate tapestry of variations and diminutives that make this name truly blossom. (more…)