Results for Jan

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Eluney is an unisex Native american name. Meaning “gift from heaven” in the Mapuche language, an indigenous ethnic group living in southern Chile and Argentina.

The name Eluney can be used for both boys and girls, although it is more frequently used for boys.

It derives from the union of the Mapuche words “elu” (sky) and “ney” (gift). Thus, Eluney would be a way of expressing gratitude and love for the birth of a son or daughter, considered a divine gift. (more…)


Hector is a greek boy name. Meaning “to hold, to possess”.

Trojan prince in Greek Mythology.

Categorized into: mythologic names


Jaine is an English girl name.

Variant of Jane.


Jan is a Hebrew boy name. Meaning “Yahweh is gracious”.

Also it is a Catalan form of Jonh.


Jana is a Hebrew girl name.

Female form of Jan.


Jancy is an English girl name.

Variant of the Faroese name Jansý that is pet form of Jana (the ending probably inspired by Nancy).


Jandy is an unknown origin girl name.

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Jane is an English girl name. Meaning “Yahweh is gracious”.

English form of the Old French name Jehanne, which was an old feminine form of the male name Johannes.

How to pronounce the name Jane in English?