Results for Lisa


Lelise is an African girl name.

Feminine form of Lelisa.


Lisa is an English girl name. Meaning “my God is an oath”.

Short form of Elisabeth.


Lissy is an English girl name.

Pet form of Felicity, Elisabeth and Melissa.


Melisa is a Greek girl name. Meaning “bee”.

Variant of Melissa.

Names For Iguanas

Choosing the perfect name for your iguana can be as exciting an adventure as having it as a pet. There are a wide variety of options to choose from, from popular names to unique and original names. In this article, we present some ideas to inspire you: (more…)


Belisa is a Latin girl name.

From the Latin term “serenus” (serene).


Yaneli is a girl’s name that has no clear origin and meaning. There are several theories about its origin: