Results for Lei


Lorelai is an English girl name. Meaning “luring roc”.

Variant of Lorelei.


Lorelei is a German girl name. Meaning “luring roc”.

This is the name of a rock headland on the Rhine River.

Moroccan baby names

Choosing a baby’s name is an important decision in any culture, but in Morocco, it has an even deeper meaning. Moroccan names often have religious, cultural or historical meaning, and reflect the family’s identity and values.

In this article, we will guide you through the fascinating world of Moroccan names. We will provide you with information about the different types of names, current trends and traditions surrounding choosing a name in Morocco. (more…)

Names for turtles

Turtles, whether terrestrial or aquatic, are fascinating creatures. Their longevity, leisurely pace and unique appearance make them special pets. Below you will find a selection of names to help you find the right one for your shelled pet. Remember that you can click on each name to learn more about its origin and meaning. (more…)


Olaf is a Norse boy name. Meaning “ancestor’s descendant”.

It derived from the old Viking name Áleifr. It is forming by the terms “anu” (ancestor) and “leifr” (descendant).


Pleiades is a Greek sailboat name.

The Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters, are an open star cluster located in the constellation Taurus. This group of young, hot stars is one of the most visible to the naked eye in the night sky, captivating humanity for millennia. (more…)


Soleil is a French sailboat name. Meaning “sun”. (more…)


Soraya is a Persian girl name. Meaning “Pleiades”.

Persian form of the Arabic name “Thurayya” that refers a set of seven stars in the constellation of Taurus.


Suleiman is an Arabic boy name.

Arabic variant of the name Solomon.

According to the Bible, Solomon was the last king of Israel, famous for his great wisdom and justice.

Moroccan variant: Souleymane.


Talay is an unknown origin girl name.

Variant of Talei.