Results for Isa


Maixabel is a Basque girl name. Basque form of Maria Isabel. (more…)


Maysa or Maisa is an Arabic girl name. Meaning “the one who walks with pride”.


Melisa is a Greek girl name. Meaning “bee”.

Variant of Melissa.


In the beautiful country of the rising sun, Japan, we find names that combine delicacy, beauty and deep meanings. One of these names is Misako, a word that evokes images of spring flowers and conveys an essence of femininity and grace. Join us on this journey to discover the meaning of Misako, exploring its etymological origin, its cultural connotations and its timeless charm. (more…)


Moriah is an English girl name. Meaning “seen by Yahweh“.

It comes from the Hebrew name Moriyah. In the Old Testament it is the land where Abraham sacrificed Isaac and the mountain upon which Solomon builds the temple.

Moroccan baby names

Choosing a baby’s name is an important decision in any culture, but in Morocco, it has an even deeper meaning. Moroccan names often have religious, cultural or historical meaning, and reflect the family’s identity and values.

In this article, we will guide you through the fascinating world of Moroccan names. We will provide you with information about the different types of names, current trends and traditions surrounding choosing a name in Morocco. (more…)

Most common names in Spain


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Women names

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Most common names in the world (2016)

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Most common women names in the world (2016)

Most common men names in the world (2016)


Naisha is a Hindu girl name.

There are two theories about its meaning:

  1. Derived from the Sanskrit term “naisa” (every night).
  2. It comes from an Indian word that means “special.”