Occupational names


Harper is an unisex English name. Meaning “who played the harp or who made harps”.

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Oxley is an English boy name.

It derives from the eponymous English surname that refers to different locations in the United Kingdom under the name Ox Lee. Place name derived from the Old English words “oxa” (ox) and “lēah” (forest glade). (more…)


Paker is an unisex English name.

From the homonymous surname that means “keeper of the park”.

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Ranger is an English pet name for male dog. Meaning “forester, a keeper of a forest”.

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Taylor is an English boy name. Meaning “tailor”.

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Tyler is an English boy name. Meaning “tiler of roof”.

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Walker is an English boy name.

It derives from the medieval homonymous surname used to refer to people who worked stepping on wool to clean and thicken it.

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Weber is an English boy name. Meaning “weaver”.

Anglicised form of the Germanic surname Webber.

Categorized into: occupational names.