Place names


Kilkenny is an English business name for an Irish pub.

Name of a popular Irish city.

It comes from the Irish word “Cill Chainnigh” which means “Church of Cainnech“.

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Kimberley is an English girl name. Meaning “royal field”.

Name of a city in South Africa.

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Kingsley is an English boy name. Meaning “king´s wood” in Old English.

Derived from a toponymic surname.

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Lacy is an english girl name.

Derived from Lassy, the name of a town in Normandy.

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Leire is a basque girl name.

Name of a mountain and a monastery in Navarre (Spain).

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Lindsay is an english girl name. Name of a british region.

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Little Italy

Little Italy is an English business name for an Italian restaurant.

Name of a famous neighborhood in New York.

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Logan is an unisex Scottish name. Meaning “little hollow”.

Derived from Scottish place name.

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Lorna is a Scottish girl name. Meaning “heather”.

Name created by the writer Richard Doddridge Blackmore in her romantic novel “Lorna Doone” .

It derived from a Scottish place called Lorn .

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Lourdes is a Spanish girl name.

Name of a French town. It is a popular center of pilgrimage of the Virgin Mary.

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How to pronounce the name Lourdes in Spanish?