Girl names


Yelitza is an unknown origin girl name.

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Yeong is an unisex Korean name. Meaning “flower, petal, hero, brave”.


Yeyes is a Spanish girl name.

Pet form of Resurrección.


In the universe of names, some shine with their own light, captivating with their sound and attracting attention for their deep meaning. Yildiz is one of those names, a word of Turkish origin that contains within itself multiple interpretations, each one as fascinating as the last. Join us on this journey to discover the meaning of Yildiz, exploring its etymological roots, its cultural connotations and its timeless beauty. (more…)


Yoki is a Native american girl name. Meaning “rain” in Hopi language.


Yoko is a Japanese girl name.

Variant of Youko.


Yolanda is a girl name. There are three theories about its origin and meaning:

Categorized into: colour names and flower names.



Yoriko is a Japanese girl name.

It is formed by the Japanese terms “yori” (rely on) and “ko” (child).


The name Yorley, although uncommon, is unisex and attracts attention due to its sound, especially in Latin America, where it is best known. In this article, we will explore its possible origin and meaning.



Youko is a Japanese girl name.

It is formed by the terms “you” (sun, light, ocean) and “ko” (child).