Results for Davi


Dawson is an English boy name. Meaning “son of David“.


Dewey is a Welsh boy name.

Welsh form of David.


Gad is a Hebrew boy name. Meaning “fortune, luck”.

According to the Old Testament he was the first son of Jacob and Zilpah and one of the heads of the twelve tribes of Israel.

Also, this book cites another character named thus, Gad, prophet of the king David.

Categorized into: biblical names


Jesse is a hebrew boy name. Meaning “gift”.

In the Old Testament Jesse is the father of King David.

Categorized into: biblical names


Joab is a Hebrew boy name. Meaning “Yahweh is father”.

According to the Old Testament Joab was the commander of King David‘s army.

Categorized into: biblical names


Slinky is an English pet name for male dog. Meaning “seductive”.

Name of the Andy Davis’ toy-dog in the film “Toy Story”.

Categorized into: Fictional characters names.


Turtle is an English submarine name.

First war submarine. It was invented by David Bushnell in 1775 and used in the War of Independence of the United States.


Ziggy is an English pet name for male dog.

Name inspired by the musical character Ziggy Stardust, created by David Bowie.