Results for Lore


Explorer of the Seas is an english cruise ship name.

Name of a ship owned by the company Royal Caribbean International.


Florence is an english girl name. Meaning “prosperous, flourishing”.

English form of Latin name Florentia.


Florencia is an Italian business name for clothes shop. Meaning “Florence“.

Italian city famous for being one of the cradles of Renaissance art.

Categorized into: place names.


La Florería is an Spanish business name for a flower shop. Meaning “the flower shop“.


Fram is a Norse vessel name. meaning “ahead”.

Robust wooden boat used by Roald Amundsen and other explorers (Fridtjof Nansen, Otto Sverdrup and Oscar Wisting) in their Arctic and Antarctic explorations.

Funny pet names

Your pet is another member of the family, and as such, it deserves a name as special as him or her. If you’re looking for a fun and original option, you’re in the right place! In this article we present a selection of funny names for pets, along with their origin and meaning, so you can find the perfect one for your furry friend. (more…)

Italian names for clothing boutiques

If you’re looking to open a clothing boutique and want to give it an Italian touch, you’re in the right place. Italian is a language known for its elegance and style in the fashion world, and Italian names can convey the essence of your brand, attract customers and set you apart from the competition. (more…)


Jackdaw is an English pirate ship name.

Ship that appears in the video game Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, set in the golden age of piracy.

This name refers to a type of crow, which is intelligent and cunning.

It is a ship used by captain and assassin Edward Kenway to explore the Caribbean, fight other ships and carry out missions.

Categorized into: animal names.

Jolly Roger

Jolly Roger is an English pirate ship name.

Name used to refer to the most universal pirate flag, represented by a white skull and crossbones on a black background.

It is believed that this name could have derived from the French term “Jolie Rouge” (pretty red), used to refer to the first pirate flags, which were usually blood-colored, and that this expression passed into English under the adaptation “jolly roger”.

In addition, Jolly Roger was also the name adopted by the English pirate John Rackham, better known as Calico Jack, to name his plundering ship.

Kids Business Name Ideas

Are you on the exciting journey of starting a business catering to the vibrant world of children? Whether it’s a toy shop, a clothing store, a day care center, or any other kids-related venture, the first step is finding the perfect business name.
