Results for Rêve

Queen Anne’s Revenge

Queen Anne’s Revenge is an English pirate ship name.

This boat was captained by Edward Teach, he also was known as “Blackbeard”.

It was one of the most famous and feared pirate ships of all time.


Rêve is a French sailboat name. Meaning “dream“.


Revenger is an english warship name. Meaning “revenger, avenger”.

Sailboat names

Sailboats are boats that move thanks to the force of the wind on their sails. Choosing a good name for a sailboat is an important decision, as it reflects the owner’s personality, style, and preferences. Additionally, a suitable name can attract the attention, admiration and envy of other boaters. (more…)


Hello! If you’re here, chances are you’ve heard the word Sayori and are wondering what it means. Maybe it sounds like something from a video game or you’re just curious. Don’t worry, in this article I will explain everything you need to know about the meaning of Sayori and its relevance in different contexts. Let’s find out together!



Sebastian is a Greek boy name. Meaning “honored, revered”.

From the Greek term “sevastiás“.


The Titanic, a British ocean liner that sank in the North Atlantic Ocean in 1912, is undoubtedly one of the most famous ships in history. Her tragic shipwreck, which claimed the lives of more than 1,500 people, shocked the world and became a symbol of human fragility and the dangers of overconfidence. (more…)


In the realm of bulls, where strength and resilience reign supreme, the name “Valor” stands out as a fitting tribute to these magnificent creatures. This name isn’t just about physical prowess; it also encompasses the inner qualities that make a bull truly exceptional.



Vendetta is an Italian sailboat name. Meaning “revenge”.

What is the meaning of the name Rita?

Today, our exploration takes us into the captivating world of names, and our spotlight is on the delightful Rita. Unraveling its layers reveals a connection to the Greek-rooted “margarites,” meaning “pearl,” and its Spanish incarnation as the charming daisy. Join me as we delve into the intricate tapestry of variations and diminutives that make this name truly blossom. (more…)