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Spanish girl names

Spain, land of contrasts and a rich history, has given rise to a wide variety of women’s names full of beauty, meaning and tradition.

In this article, we invite you to embark on a fascinating journey through the universe of Spanish female names, discovering some of the most popular, classic, original and with a unique charm.


Thousand Sunny

Thousand Sunny is an English pirate ship name.

Second ship used by the Straw Hat Pirates gang in the popular anime and manga series “One Piece”.

This ship is distinguished by its lion figurehead and vibrant colors.


In the realm of bulls, where strength and resilience reign supreme, the name “Valor” stands out as a fitting tribute to these magnificent creatures. This name isn’t just about physical prowess; it also encompasses the inner qualities that make a bull truly exceptional.



Xochitl, a feminine name of Nahuatl origin, emanates beauty, fragrance and cultural roots. If you are captivated by the Mexican cultural richness and are looking for a unique and meaningful name for your daughter, Xochitl could be the perfect choice.



Are you looking for a name for your baby that is unique, beautiful and has a deep meaning? If so, Yatzil could be the perfect choice! This name of Mayan origin not only sounds charming, but also contains an inspiring message. (more…)


The name Yorley, although uncommon, is unisex and attracts attention due to its sound, especially in Latin America, where it is best known. In this article, we will explore its possible origin and meaning.
