Results for Gure

Gure Toki

Gure Toki is a Basque business name for pub. Meaning “our place”. (more…)


Gurea is a Basque business name for pub. Meaning “ours”.


If you’re here, you’re probably wondering about the biblical meaning of Hegai and whether it’s an appropriate name for a ship. In this article, we will explore the origin and meaning of this name in the Bible, its role in the book of Esther, and evaluate its suitability for naming a vessel. Will you join us on this journey of discovery?



Henar is a Spanish girl name. Meaning “place of hay”. (more…)


Hisham is an Arabic boy name. Meaning: “generous” or “benevolent”.

It comes from the word «hashama«, which means “to crush” or “to break” and refers to the custom of sharing bread with others, as a gesture of hospitality and kindness. (more…)


Hugo, a male name of Germanic origin, has become one of the most popular in the world. Its strong sound and deep meaning make it an ideal choice for parents looking for a unique and special name for their child.



In the Old Testament, the figure of Hur appears as a brief but significant character. Its name, which in Hebrew means “light” or “free”, evokes qualities that can be inspiring for the name of a sailboat.



Iori, a name that sounds both modern and timeless, has gained popularity in recent years, attracting attention for its unique sound, deep meaning and its association with an iconic video game character.


Italian pizza restaurant Names

Pizza is one of the most famous and appreciated dishes in the world, and its origin dates back to Italian cuisine. For this reason, many people who want to open a pizzeria choose to choose an Italian name that reflects the essence, tradition and flavor of this delicious food. (more…)


Jadiel is a male name of Hebrew origin that has gained popularity in recent years, especially in Christian and evangelical communities. Its deep meaning and connection to faith make it an attractive choice for many parents looking for a meaningful name for their child.
