Results for HE


Zila is a Hebrew girl name. Meaning “shadow”.

Variants: Zillah, Zilla, Zylia.


Zilpah or Zilpa is a Hebrew girl name. Meaning “fragility”.

According to the Old Testament she was a slave of Jacob and Leah.

Categorized into: biblical names


Zineb is an Arabic girl name. Meaning “fragrant flower”.

Berber form of the name Zaynab.


Zinnia is an English girl name.

Name of a flower that grows in central America, especially in Mexico, where it is known as “Guadalajara”.

Categorized into: flower names.


Zion or Sion is a Hebrew boy name.

It was a citadel that was located in the center of Jerusalem.

It is also used to refer to a Jewish homeland and heaven.

Categorized into: biblical names


Zip is an English pet name for male dog.

Informal way of referring to someone or something that is moving at high speed.


Zipora is a Hebrew girl name.

Variant of Zipporah.


Zipporah is a Hebrew girl name.

It comes from the word “tzippor” (bird).

She was a wife of Moses in the Old Testament.

Categorized into: biblical names


Zita is an Italian girl name.

It means “girl in Tuscan.

Name of a saint from the 13th century.


Zoe is a Greek girl name. Meaning “life”.

Ancient Hellenized form of Eve.