Animal names


Octopus is an English sailboat name.

A kind of cephalopod with eight arms.

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Ormen Skamme

Ormen Skamme is a Norse Viking boat name. Meaning “short snake”.

Name of one of the ships of King Olaf I of Norway.

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Ormurinn Langi

Ormurinn Langi is a Norse Viking boat name. Meaning “long snake”.

Name of the ship of Olaf I of Norway, king who lived in the tenth century.

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Orson is an English boy name. Meaning “bear”.

Derived from the French word “ors” (bear).

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Osprey is an English sailboat name.

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Ostra Azul

La Ostra Azul is a Spanish business name for pub.

Spanis form of “The Blue Oyster“.


Pada is an English boy name.

Possibly derived from the Old English word “pad” (toad).

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El Papagayo is a Spanish business name for a beach snack bar. Meaning “parrot”.

Parrots are a tropical bird species.

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The Pelican is a English Galleon name.

Original name of The Golden Hind.

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Poe is an English boy name. Meaning “peacok”.

It derives from the homonymous surname popularized by the poet Edgar Allan Poe.

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