Results for Sid


Banks is an English boy name.

It comes from the homonymous surname that was given to some people who lived near a hillside.


Baychimo is an English steam boat name.

This boat was built in Sweden in 1914 and was used in Alaska for trade and barter with Eskimos. After it was abandoned in 1931, several sailors have affirmed to have seen it over the seas. Certainly it is considered for a many people as a “ghost ship”.

Bella Napoli

Bella Napoli is an Italian business name for a pizza shop. Meaning “Beautiful Naples”.

Nápoles is considered the birthplace of pizza.

Best bull names

Bulls have always been iconic symbols of strength, power, and resilience. Naming these majestic creatures can be a fun and meaningful task, whether you’re a rancher, a bull enthusiast, or simply intrigued by these impressive animals. From manly and strong to classic and famous, there’s a plethora of names to suit every bull’s personality. Let’s delve into various categories of bull names to find the perfect fit.


Biblical names for boys

Biblical names have endured through the centuries, passing on tradition, meaning and symbolism. If you are looking for a solid, storied name for your child, exploring biblical names can be an excellent choice. In this article, you’ll dive into a hand-picked list of biblical names for boys, with their meanings and origins, to help you choose the perfect name for your little one. (more…)


Big is an English pet name for male dog. Meaning “large”.

Ideal name for dogs of considerable size.


Borgring is a Norse Viking boat name.

10th century ship discovered in Denmark.

It is considered a warship, possibly used by a Viking leader.


Boxter is an English pet name for male dog. Meaning “boxer”.

Name of the Sid Phillips’ dog in the film “Toy Story”.

Categorized into: Fictional characters names.


Caiside is an Irish boy name. Meaning “curly haired”.


Caravaggio is an Italian business name for an Italian restaurant.

It is the surname of the famous Italian artist Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, considered the first great exponent of baroque painting.