Results for Roman name


Pantof is a Romanian business name for shoe store. Meaning “shoe”.


Patricius is a Latin boy name. Meaning “nobleman”.

Name of the Roman citizens in the Antient times.


Prisca is a Latin girl name.

From the Roman family name Priscus which meant “ancient”.

Pub names

Bar names are very important to attract customers and convey the personality and style of your business. In this article, we are going to give you some classic and other original ideas to name your bar. We hope they inspire you and that you find the perfect name for your business. (more…)


Quirino is a Spanish boy name. Meaning “spear”.

Derived from the Latin name Quirinus, Sabine and Roman god who was later identified with Mars.

Categorized into: Mythologic names.


Raluca is a Romanian girl name.

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Rango is an English pet name for male iguana.

Some theories suggest that it could be derived from the Romani language, where it means “colorful or painted.” Other theories link it to the Spanish language, where it could mean “ran” or social class.” (more…)


Rasputin is a Russian pet name for male dog.

Name inspired by Grigori Yefímovich Rasputín, a controversial character who had great influence in the Romanov dynasty.


Renaissance is a French sailboat name. (more…)


Rhea is a Latin girl name.

Latinized form of the Greek name Rheia whose meaning is unknown. Some researchers believe that it comes from the verb “rheo” (to flow) or the term “era” (ground).

According to Greek mythology, Rhea was the mother of Zeus.

In addition, in Roman legend appears the figure of Rhea Silvia, the mother of the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus.

Categorized into: Mythologic names.