Results for Pol


Cop is an English pet name for male dog. Meaning “police”.


Coppola is an Italian business name for an Italian restaurant.

Italian surname of the famous American film director Francis Ford Coppola.


Cotton is an English business name for pub.

It is a famous jazz club in Harlem (New York). It was popularized by the movie “The Cotton Club” directed by Francis Ford Coppola.


Dareck is a German boy name. Meaning: “ruler of the people or powerful leader.”

Modern variant of the name Derek, which in turn derives from the Low German “Diederik“. This name was common in the Middle Ages and was used mainly among the nobility. (more…)


Delphi is a Greek business name for law firm.

Sanctuary of Apollo where its famous oracles were located where the future could be consulted.

Categorized into: Mythologic names


Dhruva is a Hindu sailboat name.

According to Indian mythology he was a child-prince devout of Vishnu. This God granted him the blessing of becoming the Polar Star.

Categorized into: Mythologic names.

Eight Catalan names for babies


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Eight famous captains names for boats

Let’s set sail together on a journey through maritime history, learning the story of some of the most intrepid captains who braved the waves and left their mark on nautical annals. (more…)

Eight stars names for sailboats

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Ernest Shackleton

Sir Ernest Shackleton is an English sailboat name.

Anglo-Irish polar explorer. Captain of the Boat Endurance.