Names for all


Protect is an English business name for a security company.


Protector is an English business name for a security company. Meaning “person who protects others.”.

Proyect 2024

Proyect 2024 is an English yacht name.

Luxury yacht of the founder of the Inditex Group, Amancio Ortega.


Proyecta is a Spanish business name for construction, reforms and rehabilitations company.

It comes from the Dpanish verb “proyectar” (to project), whose definition is “to devise and develop an architectural project”.


Publicitamos is a Spanish business name for a marketing company. Meaning “We advertise“.


Publiciudad is a Spanish business name for a marketing company.

Word play with the terms “publicidad” (advertising) and “ciudad” (city).

Ideal name for a creative agency for local marketing campaigns.


Publipyme is a Spanish business name for a marketing company.

Acronym formed by “publi” (advertising) and “pyme” (small and medium-sized enterprise).



Puddle is an English pet name for a duck.


Pudsey is an English pet name for male dog.

Name of a British town.

He is the main charater in the movie “Pudsey the Dog”.

Categorized into: Fictional characters names and place names.

Pueblito Mío

Pueblito Mío is a Spanish business name for a Mexican restaurant. Meaning “my town”.

Title of a popular song by Jose Feliciano.

Categorized into: musical names