Results for Pot

10 spotted female dog names

10 spotted male dog names

100 Names for Dogs: Find the Perfect Name for Your Furry Companion

Are you looking for a name for your new four-legged friend? Do you want it to be original, fun and reflect your personality? Then you are in the right place. In this article we are going to give you 100 ideas for names for dogs, classified by different criteria. This way you can find the one that best suits your pet. Keep reading and discover our list! (more…)


In the business world, choosing the right name is crucial to success. A memorable name, with a positive meaning and that represents the essence of your company can make a difference. If you are looking for a name that evokes elegance, tranquility and natural beauty, Azure could be the perfect choice. (more…)


Bianhi is a Native american girl name. Meaning “dawn” in Zapotec language.


Bodhi, a name that resonates with ancient wisdom and the quest for enlightenment, has become an increasingly popular choice for parents looking for a meaningful and spiritual name for their children.


Bon Appétit

In the culinary world, choosing a name for a restaurant is a crucial decision, since it not only identifies the establishment, but also evokes sensations and expectations in diners.



Las Bravas is a Spanish business name for a tapas bar. Meaning “spicy potatoes”.


Capote is a Spanish business name for a restaurant. Meaning “cape”.

Magenta cape used in bullfighting.


Chimera is a Greek sailboat name.

This word has several meanings. We present the two most common and one related to a marine animal. (more…)